We are passionate about providing as many activities as possible for our residents to enjoy and participate in. They are tailored to their abilities and choices, not limited by risk or disability.Keeping mind, body and soul stimulated, healthy and alert is a fundamental aspect of caring. we have a dedicated Activities Co-ordinator who spend time with each resident individually to understand their interests and creates a varied program for all of our residents . Our dedicated Activities Team devise a programme of regular events and entertainment within the home and opportunities to visit local events and places of interest in the community.Beneficial to us and our activity programme is being based in the heart of Cardiff Bay, a fantastic multicultural area, full of life and great things to do, with regular visits to the ice cream parlour and the inspiring Millennium Centre, also an ideal place for families to easily access with their relatives, for quality time making new memories.
We also pride ourselves on being able to support people to enjoy meaningful and fun activities of daily living, such as cooking your own meal, (maybe an old family favourite), cleaning, or setting the tables, all of which help promote wellbeing, independence and social inclusion. We also encourage strong links with the local communities providing the occasional entertainment services such as sing-alongs and performances engaging with the nostalgia that residents enjoy reminiscing over.
At Bellavista Nursing Home Cardiff we have a multi-functional Cinema Theatre and sensory activities and facilities that aims to improve end-of-life care for people in nursing homes who have advanced dementia by giving them pleasure and helping them connect with others. Our residents have freedom of choice to take part in any of our many activities, a popular choice is our cinema room, complete with popcorn machine and ice creams, cookery, gardening, art classes and many more. We have various themed areas such as dining experience, Library, cafe shop], beach effects, old Victorian and Edwardian themes, gazebos and a splendid outdoor garden and other facilities which is all sensory and visual effects to Dementia Care of our Service users.The Activities programme is published each month in our Newsletter which is available on our homepage.